Rain & Rainbows

Rain & Rainbows

You know what “they” say, right? Without the rain there would be no rainbows. Are you having a rainy day? Sometimes its difficult to appreciate a rainy day, but complaining about it won’t make it go away, will it? Complaining will only make it rain in your thoughts too. Why not put your good boots on and go out and splash in some puddles? Remember doing that as a kid? Your parents would tell you to stay out of the puddles and where did you go? Right into the water. It’s the coolest thing to splash the water and make mud in a puddle. It made you happy, didn’t it? Well, get your happiness on today and go splash in some puddles. And while you are splashing if the sun does come out, put the sun to your back and look for a rainbow! πŸ™‚
Yea for you! πŸ™‚

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