Fitting in or Standing Out?

Fitting in or Standing Out?

It’s SO easy to just fit into the crowd. No one is going to call you out, no one is going to embarrass you. Just hiding there amongst the masses. Ask yourself… Is this what I was meant to be? Was I given these talents and abilities to leave them on a shelf? Am I called to bury what I’m given and never provide a return on the investment, the investment in me? Or…… Maybe… Just Maybe… You’re called to lead? Called to make a difference in your world and the lives of those around you. You don’t have to be the best in the world, but are you at least being Your Best? The Best YOU can be? Your best? Or are you taking the easy way out? Can I make a suggestion? Be Your Best Self! Don’t confirm the crowd. Be Your Best! Show UP! You got this! You Do! 😉

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